Reasons why I've decided to blog


Is the picture header misleading? hahahahaha it's my alternative blog with pictures and stuff & I really love it. 

So anyway.. My friends have been asking why I had started to blog again. 
Here are 3 reasons why. 

1. Out of boredom.
Honestly, I guess you could say that I've nothing else better to do. Since I'm quite a lazy person.. and would rather stay home and use the internet the whole day.. Why not start a blog? I've watched so many shows that I've actually ran out of shows to watch. I've read so many books that I constantly need to shop for books if not I'd have nothing to read. 
These two things. Reading and watching shows. I don't think I can live without doing them. I mean obviously I can live without those but I'm just saying that, without reading and watching shows, I'll probably die of boredom. Yeah you're probably thinking, omfg what a weird ass girl. MHM I agree. It's not because I'm lonely or that no one asks me out, I'm just fucking lazy lmao. To a certain extent at least. Soooo relating reading and watching shows to the topic of reasons why I've decided to blog again.. I just wanna find a new hobby. Something that would spark my interest even when I'm outside like "OH! I SHOULD TOTALLY BLOG ABOUT THIS" HAHA. Wouldn't that make my life a whole lot better? yesyesyesysey I think so too.

2. To express my thoughts and opinions.
I would like to express what I feel and think about certain subjects to a much larger audience. Usually, I'm just ranting about things like how darn annoying tangled earbuds can get to a group of friends. Not that I always rant about ridiculous topics like freaking tangled earbuds. HAHA Truth to be told, how annoying can tangled earbuds get ? 
It's tangled right? Who cares. Just untangle it and listen to your darn music. 
bUUUTT when you're in a hurry and it's fucking tangled and you're walking as quickly as possible so as to not miss the bus but your eyes aren't exactly on the road and is on the freaking tangled earbuds. oh gosh it does get frustrating. 
Solution to that? Get a tangle-free earbuds. 
bUUUTT TANGLE-FREE EARBUDS DOESN'T EXACTLY COME CHEAP. not that anything in this world does. 
Amazing how sometimes, a preposterous topic like this could lead to such infuriation ? 
Yes I am overreacting. Exaggeration actually attracts an audience. But you get my point. To express my thoughts and opinions on freaking tangled earbuds on a certain topic to a much larger audience. :-) 

3. Inspiration.
OH GOSH. If you're my close friend, you'd know that I'm always constantly persuading you to read a book that I've read or watch a show/anime that I really like just so we could fan-girl together HAHAHA. Most of the times, my friends would agree and BAM! Of course, they'd fcking love it as much as I do. Hence, I wanna Inspire people to read & watch shows because oh goodness.. you've no idea how fun it is. In Singapore.. There isn't a lot of people who reads and when I do see someone reading... omg you've no idea how weird I'd get. I'd like try to peek and see what book it is that they're reading and go on to and look up the reviews of it and if it's good, I'd also purchase the same book and start reading it. HAHA. Maybe that's normal to some of you but a friend once told me I was fucking weird for doing that. :-( Anyway, I'd be putting up reviews of books/shows/anime/movies/whatever on my blog and hopefully, it'll persuade people to start reading or watching it. I personally want to and would love to share my joy - the things that makes me happy to whomever the fuck is reading :-)
Yo clearly have not watch an epic ass anime and you should and I will persuade the shit outta you and you'll realize how wrong your thoughts of anime is and shut up. I hope that doesn't sound too mean.hehe goodbye

“Books. They are lined up on shelves or stacked on a table. There they are wrapped up in there jackets, lines of neat print on nicely bound pages. They look like such orderly, static things. Then you, the reader come along. You open the book jacket, and it can be like opening the gates to an unknown city, or opening the lid of a treasure chest. You read the first word and you're off on a journey of exploration and discovery.” - David Almond.

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